Saturday, January 8, 2011

what ever happened..

to effort. to acts of kindness or rather, consideration.
to.. the little things in life that have been lost sight of.

for instance... handwritten letters. birthday cards. holiday cards. an expression of self unto another.. just because.

were these always rare practices? or is it my generation? or are we just too tight on time? tight on money?
then.. there's always the convenience of the virtual world at your fingertips.
or all of the above.

cause really.. an e-card is just not the same. but it's the thought that counts, right?

the funny thing is.. i don't think people appreciate these practices any less than before.. if anything, the rarity of these occurrences has heightened their appreciation. I mean.. who isn't absolutely stoked when they do receive something without expectation. its the best gift in the world.

so why don't people do it more? think of others..  take the time and the effort to really express love in a tactile form. something than can be held.. touched.. kept.

writing.. may be a lost art one of these days.. at the rate we're going. maybe its just the artist in me talking..  does anyone really care about any of this as much as i do?

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