Thursday, August 26, 2010


maybe its not you.
rather all that you represent.
all that  i've encompassed within the idea of you..
the very essentials in life that i crave.
that i miss.

the rush that sends my heart soaring.
that connection with another human being that is without words...
that is felt immensely just by the nearness of you.
to have my heart melt
over someone..
and for her to savor ever drop i have to give
..inviting the whole of my being.

more than anything i miss that part of me.

and for the first time in a long time..
i saw that part of me with you..

i saw.. that you had the ability to open my heart.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

how is it possible

... to be completely... utterly ..intoxicatingly smitten with someone you only shared a glance with...???


things i miss....
1. kissing [love] goodbye & hello everyday
2. gazing at [love].. with eyes only meant for her.
3. playing footsie under the covers
4. fingers intertwined
5. sleeping thigh to thigh
6. butterfly caresses
7. our unspoken language
8. falling in love all over again everyday with [love]
9. waking up to the most beautiful face
10. listening to her breath
11. breathing in [love's] fragrance
12. loving [you]
13.[you] wanting the middle of my oreo

such things i cannot give to myself.