Friday, May 21, 2010


Quote of the day:
"You make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
~Dale Carnegie

This used to be a fear of mine. To show interest... to show that I cared. I used to see it as a sign of weakness to allow another person to witness that they had an effect on me. In fear of rejection... in fear that I wouldn't see that same honesty in their eyes reflecting this energy back.

Really... that is no excuse to hold back.. to hinder from the world the true image that is me. I will open myself to you.. without expectations... in hopes that an extraordinary bond will be realized and seized.
and I have.

Vulnerability... in actuality is strength.
Strength to overcome...
Strength to break the barriers in which we contain ourselves in...
To allow yourself to love and be loved.
That, is vulnerability at its finest.
be::OPEN. be::LOVE

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